• 27 Grey Street, Vermont VIC 3133
  • (03) 9877 7117
  • 27 Grey Street, Vermont VIC 3133
  • (03) 9877 7117

Superannuation Amnesty – Maybe! Maybe Not!



An amnesty to allow unpaid superannuation to be reported and paid without penalties has hit a big snag.

The amnesty announced in May 2018 lasting for 12 months was concessional in allowing employers to catch-up unpaid compulsory superannuation with reduced penalties.

However, the legislation has not passed and will not be considered until Federal Parliament next meets in mid-August.

If you do want to use the amnesty, be aware it may not become law.  And extensive wages details need to be provided proving the calculation of unpaid super – possibly a significant time by your pay office (or yourself).




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